Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Attn:E-mail Id owner

NOTE: This genius apparently doesn't know the difference between a subject and message body. While they crammed the entire message into the subject (I've re-assembled it below) you're supposed to believe they aren't the criminal idiot they really are. There's no Christmas riches from a spammer sending this to thousands all over the world. There is however, a criminal at the other end of this email hoping you'll send them the personal information requested so they can have a million dollar Christmas at the readers/responders expense. Delete these putrid wastes of space and time.

From: "Mr. Bernard Arnault" <barristerdonphilip1@gmail.com> To: "info@usa.org" <info@usa.org>11:44:36 CST, Tuesday 12 November 2019
Attachments: None
Message ID: <724787.96251.qm@web102118.mail.ssk.yahoo.co.jp>
Return Path: <barristerdonphilip1@gmail.com>
Reply To: "Mr. Bernard Arnault" <infofedexcourierser@gmail.com>
MIME Version: 1.0
Content Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="-1711768229-1130984835-1573580663=:96251"
from mx1-us3.ppe-hosted.com (unknown []) by pure.maildistiller.com with ESMTPS id F33C18005B for <>; Tue, 12 Nov 2019 17:44:35 +0000 (UTC)

from ns503-vm7.bullet.mail.kks.yahoo.co.jp (ns503-vm7.bullet.mail.kks.yahoo.co.jp []) by mx1-us3.ppe-hosted.com with SMTP id 65EB8980078 for <>; Tue, 12 Nov 2019 17:44:35 +0000 (UTC)

from [] by ns503.bullet.mail.kks.yahoo.co.jp with NNFMP; 12 Nov 2019 17:44:24 -0000

from [] by t501.bullet.mail.kks.yahoo.co.jp with NNFMP; 12 Nov 2019 17:44:24 -0000

from [] by omp501.mail.kks.yahoo.co.jp with NNFMP; 12 Nov 2019 17:44:24 -0000

(qmail 35549 invoked by uid 60001); 12 Nov 2019 17:44:23 -0000

from [] by web102118.mail.ssk.yahoo.co.jp via HTTP; Wed, 13 Nov 2019 02:44:23 JST

Attn:E-mail Id owner,We have your Christmas donation package worth the sum of $3.5 MILLIONS USD that will be deliver to you at the moment as long as you provide all the required information to FedEx Courier Service before the package can be shipped to your own residential address in your country,Further more,Your email address was among the luckiest package that will be send through FedEx Express Courier Service as soon as you contact them,therefore what you have to do right now is to contact Director of FedEx Courier Service Department for immediate dispatch to your residential address,the only fee you will pay is delivery fee.Contact person:Dr Robert Williams Contact Tel:+62-8571-1969-526 Contact E-mail( infofedexcourierser@gmail.com ) This are the information required for easy delivery of your package consignment valued $3.5 millions USD. 1.YOUR FULL NAME_____2.YOUR COUNTRY AND ADDRESS_____3.YOUR CELL PHONE NUMBER____YOURS SINCERELY MR.BERNARD ARNAULT BILLIONAIRE INVESTOR

Envelope Sender: <barristerdonphilip1@gmail.com>
'From' Header: "Mr. Bernard Arnault" <barristerdonphilip1@gmail.com>
Subject: Attn:E-mail Id owner,We have your Christmas donation package worth the sum of $3.5 MILLIONS USD that will be deliver to you at the moment as long as you provide all the required information to FedEx Courier Service before the package can be shipped to you
Timestamp: 11:44:36 CST, Tuesday 12 November 2019
Message-ID: <724787.96251.qm@web102118.mail.ssk.yahoo.co.jp>
Attachments: None

Classification: Spam
Threat Level: Medium
Confidence: Very High
Classification Breakdown:
Spam Very High
SPF (SoftFail) Medium

Client IP Address:
Client GeoIP Lookup: Japan
Email Size: 4.3 kB
Encrypted? No

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