Monday, November 18, 2019


NOTE: Someone from China, providing a very fake, very American name to a very scammy email from a free, anonymous email address. This crook is promising thousands of internet strangers millions of dollars.  How outrageous can this get before they finally stop treating their public like complete idiots? It will stop when people receiving these stop acting like idiots and giving them the information they ask for!!!  No one is ever going todrop millions in your lap, much less a stranger with no accountability emailing from an internet cafe or mom's basement/garage. This criminal thinks they're in a get rich quick scheme, get rich by ripping off innocent people. Delete these crooks, don't be part of this crime.

From: "Agent Frederick Janssen"<> To:19:14:12 CST, Friday 15 November 2019
Attachments: None
Message ID:
Return Path: <>
Reply To: <>
MIME Version: 1.0
Content Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1251"
from (unknown []) by with ESMTPS id 33B7F1A0055 for <>; Sat, 16 Nov 2019 01:14:12 +0000 (UTC)

from (unknown []) by with ESMTP id EC6CEA8006D for <>; Sat, 16 Nov 2019 01:14:11 +0000 (UTC)

from User (unknown []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id 163AA423DC; Fri, 15 Nov 2019 18:34:58 -0500 (EST)

IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF YOUR TOTAL FUND OF $7.5 MILLION US DOLLARS I am Agent Scott Simpson,an INTERPOL Special Agent and this is to inform you that I was sent down to Benin Republic to secure the release of your fund which has now been credited into an ATM Card by the issuing bank. This decision was taken to assist you secure your fund safely and prevent you from dealing with internet scammers who may claim to be in possesion of your money. The bank has now handed over your package to Topchrono Courier and you have to send them details now for the delivery; Your Full names................... Address........................... Telephone number.................. Contact email; I will be waiting for your prompt feedback because I have few days more to stay here before going back to United States Agent Frederick Janssen INTERPOL SPECIAL AGENT

Envelope Sender: <>
'From' Header: "Agent Frederick Janssen"<>
Subject: URGENT.
Timestamp: 19:14:12 CST, Friday 15 November 2019
Attachments: None

Classification: Spam
Threat Level: Medium
Confidence: Very High
Classification Breakdown:
Spam Very High
Bulk Very High

Client IP Address:
Client GeoIP Lookup: China
Email Size: 1.9 kB
Encrypted? No

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