Monday, June 10, 2019


From: Angela Robert <> To: undisclosed-recipients:;   18:02:07 CDT, Sunday 09 June 2019

I was compelled to write to you under humanitarian grounds. My name is Mrs. Angela Robert. I have a charity proposal worth $1,600,000.00 deposited with a First National Merchant Bank. Please contact my attorney Barrister. Zee Parker via his Email: to furnish you with vital details. Please Quote this reference number to him JJ/MMS/953/5015/GwrI/316us/Uk when contacting him to enable him identify you. 

Best regards,

Mrs.Angela R.

Envelope Sender: <>
'From' Header: Angela Robert <>
Subject: RE:
Timestamp: 18:02:07 CDT, Sunday 09 June 2019
Message-ID: <>

Client IP Address:
Client GeoIP Lookup: United States
Email Size: 4.4 kB
Encrypted? No

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