Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Greetings My Dear My Name is Major Rebecca Schieble.

NOTE: Military personnel NEVER use their free time to send emails with infected links that will install malware/ransomware on your computer. Nope, this is a just a bottom of the barrel criminal hoping to find a sucker curious enough to click the link and experience identity theft and all the horrible repercussions. Baghdad isn't in Hong King either ... so mebbe the reader is geographically challenged. Yes, this criminal is treating the reader like an idiot. Don't prove him right, delete this nonsense.

From: Rebecca <msn@biznetvigator.com> To:14:43:47 CDT, Tuesday 15 October 2019
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Reply To: "mrs.rebeccaschiebleusa@gmail.com" <mrs.rebeccaschiebleusa@gmail.com>
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Greetings My Dear

My Name is Major  Rebecca Schieble.  I'm an American soldier, am currently still serving in Iraq for ICU NURSE AT THE COMBAT SUPPORT HOSPITAL AT CAMP SPEICHER in the United State Army and providing adequate security for the US embassy in Baghdad. I'm seeking your kind assistance to move the sum of US$14.5Million to you as far as I can be assured that my share will be safe in your care until I complete my service, this is no stolen money, and there is no danger involved. I'm presently in a hospital recovering from injuries Sustained in a suicide bomb attack, that took place during our combat with some ISIS Militant, I have successful move the Fund out of Iraq, the fund is currently with a security Company in S.A, where the fund is will be disclose to you as soon as I got your feedback for Security reason. I am contacting you because you might be a good fearing citizen that is willing to be involved with this transaction and I am willing to share the money with you. I am sending you this email message.

Source of the money:

Some money in various currencies was discovered in barrels at a farmhouse near one of Saddam's old palaces in Tikrit-Iraq during a rescue operation while I was still serving in Iraq some years ago and it was agreed by Sgt.Duff and I that some part of this money be shared among both of us before informing anybody about it since both of us saw the money first. This was quite an illegal thing to do, but I tell you what? No compensation can make up for the risk we have taken with our lives.
Please view website for confirmation; http://news.bbc.co.uk/ 2/ hi/ middle_east/ 2988455.stm

The above figure was given to me as my share, and to conceal this kind of money became a problem for me, so with the help of a British contact working with us and his office enjoy some immunity, I was able to move the money to a security company in SOUTH AFRICA as a diplomatic baggage. They are now waiting for us to provide the name of beneficiary who they will transfer the funds to. The reason I want you to claim the funds on my behalf is that as a soldier, I cannot present concrete evidence on how I made such a big amount of money.

The moment I'm sure that you will assist me, I will let you know where I'm currently receiving treatment and I will also give you the information of the security company and the security code of the baggage. I want you to tell me how much you will take from this money for the assistance you will give to me. One passionate appeal I will make to you is not to discuss this matter with anybody, should you have reasons to reject this offer, please and please destroy this message as any leakage of this information will be too bad for me. I do not know how long I will remain here at the hospital, I honestly want this matter to be resolved immediately, please contact me as soon as possible, All correspondence must be by my Private mail address E -mail : rebeccaschiebleusa01@usa.com E-mail: mrs.rebeccaschiebleusa@gmail.com

Yours Faithfully,

Major: Rebecca Schieble.
US Army Baghdad Iraq.

Envelope Sender: <msn@biznetvigator.com>
'From' Header: Rebecca <msn@biznetvigator.com>
Subject: Greetings My Dear My Name is Major Rebecca Schieble.
Timestamp: 14:43:47 CDT, Tuesday 15 October 2019
Message-ID: <2076499549.188139586.1571168575816.JavaMail.zimbra@biznetvigator.com>
Attachments: None

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Client GeoIP Lookup: Hong Kong
Email Size: 26.2 kB
Encrypted? No

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