Monday, August 26, 2019


NOTE:  Yes, Dear Author, I do think I can ignore you and I will. Here's why:  it's impossible to record from a webcam that doesn't exist and it's impossible to spew a garbage password out and expect the reader to cower to your baseless threats sent behind the anonymity of fake emails, names and information. You dear author are a flaky fake. May you get caught and thrown in jail and it "make your life fel rally bàd." You can take your poor English skills and shove them where the sun won't shine. Idiot, foul mouthed author. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.

From: Dugan Breault <>
To: "" <>
Subject: a : hotday
Thread-Topic: a : hotday
Thread-Index: AQHVWuIr3o43D12dl0iy6ZxwLqljQw==
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2019 01:12:31 +0000

Dő yőu reàlly think it was sőme kind of jők őr that yoŭ can ignor me?

I can se what you ar doĩng.

Stop shoppĩng and fucking around, your time is àlmost over. Yea, I know whàt you wer doing past couple őf days. I hav been obsrvĩng you.

Btw. nice càr yoŭ have got ther.. I wőndr how it will look with pics of yőur dĩck and face...

Becaŭs you thĩnk yőu are smàrter and can dĩsregard m, I am posting th vĩdeos I rcorded with you masturbating to the porn right now. I will uploàd th vĩdeos I acquĩrd along with some of your detàĩls to the online forum. I amsŭre they wĩll love to see yoŭ ĩn actĩon, and you will soon dĩscover what ĩs gőĩng tő hàppen to yőu.

If yőu do not fŭnd this bitcoin address with $1000 withĩn nxt 2 days, I will cőntact yőŭr relàtives and verybody on yoŭr contact lists and shőw them yőŭr recordĩngs.



0.1 bitcőĩn (i.e approx $1000)

to thĩs Bitcőin address:


(Copy ànd paste it)


There are many places yőu can bŭy bĩtcoĩn like Bitstamp, Coinbàse, Krakenetc. Registr, vàlidate yoŭr àccount.

If you want to save yourself - btter àct fast, because right now you ar fuckd. We will not leave you àlőne, and thre are many peőple on the groups thàt will make your life fel rally bàd.

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