Friday, April 26, 2019


From: "Dr. Jessica Maximilian" To: 07:07:19 CDT, Friday 26 April 2019

FROM: DR. (MRS) JESSICA MAXIMILIAN COUNTRY OF RESIDENT: SOUTH AFRICA MY PRIVATE EMAIL ADDRESS: Hello Beloved, I am Dr. (Mrs) Jessica Maximilian from Republic of Ireland who was legal married to Mr. Van Der Merwe Maximilian, a South African Citizen by birth brought up in Vienna, Austria, I lived in Vienna, Austria with my husband for 32yrs before we moved back to South Africa in 2016 after my husband retirement in 2015, I am 71rs old by Grace of God and a God Fearing Person, at the moment I am suffering from the worst Cancer Disease called (Non-Hodgkin lymphoma) and it is at the final stage. From every indication I knew my body, my condition is deteriorating and getting worse by the day and my Doctor confirmed to me today that I have between One to Four Weeks to live, this is the worst news anyone can get from your Doctor, but believe me I have accepted my faith and I have run my race, the pain that is killing me at the moment is that my dear husband was involved with the 10th March 2019 Ethiopia Airways Plane crashed as you can read from this news line Website. ( After 35yrs of marriage with my dearest late Husband we have no child to call our own, my late Husband was very Wealthy and after his death I received a call from Hsbc Bank London, United Kingdom that I have Inherited $15,500,000.00 USD) Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) from my late Husband Investment Account, which the bank has put everything in my names. The Doctor has advised me that hence I have less than One Month to live, that I should rest more and avoid anything that will cause my High Blood Pressure (BP) to rise. Based on that, today I have decided to donate and contribute to the Less Privileges, Charity Homes, Orphanage Homes and Refugees from the Middle-East displaced by Wars all around the World. I made this decision after listing to the news line about 100 years Old Woman who secretly donated her Fortune and Wealth upon her death, After I have prayed to God Almighty my spirit told me to contact you and I got your email through Internet Search, I am willing to donate a total sum of $15,500,000.00 USD) Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United states Dollars Only) to the Less-Privileges of which you will be responsible in taking care of the disbursement and sharing of this money to organizations you will appoint, meanwhile you will also be compensated with 30% of the fund, which will be (Four Million Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars Only) ($4,650,000.00 USD) as your compensation for helping me fulfill this my dying dream. Please I will want you to get back to me immediately you receive this notification email by contacting me through my private email address and provide me with your own below requested information.
Full name:………………………………………………………………………
Full address:…………………………………………………………………...
Country of resident:………………………………………………………….
Mobile Number:……………………………………………………………….
I will be waiting to hear from you positively, but if you can not help me and help yourself achieve this my dying wish, don’t bother contacting me, I will want to hear from you immediately and to enable me direct you to the bank, where the Changing of Ownership will be done according to my instruction already to the bank, before the bank will transfer the fund into your bank account which you will provide to them. Remember I am getting weaker by the day and you need to hurry-up in anything I asked you to do, because time is not on my side or I may die tomorrow. MY REGARDS TO YOUR FAMILY DR. (MRS.) JESSICA MAXIMILIAN

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'From' Header: "Dr. Jessica Maximilian"
Timestamp: 07:07:19 CDT, Friday 26 April 2019
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